I almost dropped Paw, my cat/kitten,

Black as blood pudding

With one white mitten,

When Sister Darling, of

The Rarefied Church of the World (Reformed),

Stepped onto the dock

Of the Partridge Island Lighthouse.

She wore an  emerald green gown

On this Saint Patrick’s Day, 

Which fit her form

In a very alluring fashion.

She was bringing

A feast for myself, and Paw.

A hamper filled with (I sniffed it out)


Shepherd’s Pie

Corned Beef

Black-and-Tan Pork

Lime Poke Cake

And the clink of bottles

promising many Half and Halfs

which she knows how to pour

to perfection.

We exchanged hamper and cat.

Paw went directly to burrow 

Into her long hair,

Which I, myself, will do

When the time for slumber


Then we began our walk

Up to The Lighthouse Keeper’s House,

Which I have festooned with

As many green doodads as

I could find.

I’m The Lighthouse Poet Laureate of Partridge Island /1821 – 2024 / A lot of stuff have I seen / A lot of stuff to report}